Meet the Characters

Meet some of the Easy Notes characters, and hear a little about where they live and what goes on!

Hi, I’m Girl G. I live in Treble Stave Street. I always like to put my hair into two pigtails, that way people can always find me on the second line. Get it? Two lines, two pigtails … that's me! Meet Girl G
Meet Elephant E and Frog F I love animals, and not just cats and dogs, but ALL animals. My Mum and Dad let me have unusual pets. That’s how I get to have a pet elephant and a pet frog. As long as they don’t come in the house, Mum and Dad are fine with it!

Treble Stave Street, where Girl G lives

My house is a pink house – you can find it easily on Treble Stave Street. Next door there’s a blue house, where Boy B lives. He’s OK, most of the time we get on.

Boy B whistling One time though I was really annoyed with him because he got it into his head to try and take my pet frog when I wasn’t around! Guess he thought I wouldn’t miss the little guy – I don’t know.

Frog F in the pond under the lily pad (with 3 black stripes)

Anyway, my frog was really clever and hid under a lily pad. Boy B couldn’t find him, and he spent ages looking!

Throwing Apples at Boy B

When I got home and saw what was going on I got really mad at Boy B and started throwing apples at him. I found out that day that I’m better at throwing than I thought I was! Poor Boy B (but he did deserve it!).

You should come and visit sometime. When you learn the notes with Easy Notes you’ll get to know us really well. Easy Notes is a lot of fun, and it will help with your piano lessons because we’ll help you to play your music. And if it’s going to make your piano teacher happy, it’s got to be good, right?

So see you then, OK!!

Thumbs-up Girl G