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The match-up magnets enable students to learn and practice crucial aspects of music theory through hands-on interaction. As the proverb says, "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
The Key Signature magnets help the learner to understand key signatures and the relationship between major and minor keys.
Students can practice matching 15 key signatures with their major and minor key names.
Beginner students can start by practicing the C major (no sharps or flats), G major (1 sharp) and F major (1 flat) key signatures, then add key signatures with more sharps and flats as they learn them.
The Intervals magnets help the learner to recognize melodic and harmonic intervals.
Students can practice matching 8 harmonic and melodic intervals with their interval number.
Beginner students can start with seconds and thirds (steps and skips), and add more intervals as they learn them.
The match-up magnets are made of quarter inch (6mm) thick magnetic-backed foam, making them easy to pick up and place on the Magnetic Staff.